
Showing posts from February, 2018

How to get your Pins noticed on Pinterest (Tips to increase Pinterest Views)

How to get your Pins noticed on Pinterest (Tips to increase Pinterest Views)? This is one of the most frequently asked question by people who start pinterest in hopes of getting their business noticed or blogs, social pages etc. Well all this requires work, the more work you will put on it the better results you will get. I will explain this in short and with main points so you can get the idea easily and faster. 1. You have a Pinterest account, that's cool but make sure you convert it into a business account. Why? it is because when you get a business account, you will get more control on your pins and how they perform, the analytics system of pins is more informative and gives you great insights about your pins. 2. If  you have a particular website, make sure you verify it into your Pinterest profile settings. By doing this, your Pinterest profile will claim your website and you can see how your pins perform which are pinned from your website, you will get daily views

10 Funniest Parent - Kid Tweets Of 2018 So Far!

Here are 10 really hilarious parent - kid tweets that will make your day, have a laugh and enjoy!

30 So Funny Tweets That Will Make Your Day For Sure 100%

These are some really humorous tweets, check them below and make sure to share with your friends and loved ones. Have an awesome day!! CLICK HERE FOR MORE FUNNY TWEETS 

15 Dad and Daughter Tweets That Will Make Your Day! [REALLY FUNNY]

James Breakwell is a dad of 4 girls and they are really smart, he shares his day-to-day hilarious conversations with their daughter on twitter and he is really famous for that! Check these tweets out and I will make sure to post more later. Share with your friends!   CLICK HERE FOR MORE FUNNY TWEETS